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On the 15th of october 2018, my friend and I came to pembina nusantara course. We went there to meet and practice English with guests of American. It was the first time I met and greeted with American.

When we arrived there, I saw some students had made groups. Then we joined with the second group. But before it, there are some students in the group and then we replace them. We made conversation with Isayah. We asked some questions and also he esked us some questions too about family. Sir Isayah told about himself and about his family.He showed his family's photos in his phone. I didn't ask him to much because I still nervous.

I like this chance. This is the best experience for me.I can meet and great with American. I get experience and I get new vocabulary. I hope I can meet with him again and I can visit him to his country. Yeaahhh.. I will go to America (just dream) and it will be true.

Writer :Lidia Juniati Sitorus
Study in SMK N 3 Pematangsiantar

Penulisan artikel ini dibimbing oleh Eduardo Sianturi,MPd.
Leader of Kursus Pembina Nusantara (KPN)

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